Our Residents

Our Residents

Every person who lives at Alameda Point Collaborative has hopes and dreams. Somewhere along their life journey, a traumatic event blocked their path to success. At APC, we provide a safe home to overcome their tribulations and offer compassionate care so they can address their trauma and make a plan towards achieving their goals.

Residents of Alameda Point Collaborative

Living Situation Prior to APC in %

Physical and Mental Health Conditions in %

Demographics - Race in %

Domestic Violence History in %


APC means getting your life together, a new start, just a new beginning and new future. A change of life.


APC means permanent housing. Absolutely. Before I came here I was living in transitional in Hayward, and very unhappy. Well, except for my cats. Well, yeah, I was unhappy and I really wanted permanent housing. I was lucky I was only there for 8 months, and then I came here and TADA!


APC means home. I don’t have to worry about where am I gonna sleep tonight, or things like that. I have a house I can just come to, come kick it at, eat, chill.

Vince & Melinda

These programs and this community changed my life.